Katze hat feuchte Nase: Was bedeutet das?

Cat has a wet nose: What does that mean?

A slightly moist nose is normal in healthy cats and is no cause for concern. However, if there are changes in the consistency, color or amount of nasal secretions, this can indicate health problems. Find out here when a moist nose can indicate an illness and when a visit to the vet is necessary.

Cat noses come in many different colors and shapes - sometimes they are pink and sometimes gray, sometimes tabby and sometimes spotted, some are narrow and others are more pointed. Whether snub nose or heart-shaped, they all have one thing in common: in healthy cats, the little nose is usually slightly moist.
So if your cat has a wet nose This is initially harmless – and simply corresponds to the Normal state a cat's nose. However, if you notice any abnormalities or feel that the consistency, color or amount of nasal secretion is changing, caution is advised - because the nose is often a Indicator of cat health . If there is discharge, dryness, crusting, congestion or other changes in the nose, there may be an underlying disease.
When your cat's nose tells you whether you should see a veterinarian and what the possible causes are, we will explain below.

Wet nose, healthy cat: sense of smell & other functions

The olfactory organ of our darlings fulfils a whole range of functions. In the first days of their lives, when the kittens' eyes are still closed, they orient themselves solely by their sense of smell. And even later, the nose is essential for finding food, helps with Smell and taste and serves the orientation and the Communication with conspecifics of the same sex, but above all of the opposite sex. In addition, every cat's nose is unique: like a human fingerprint, its print is also unique and can undoubtedly only be attributed to one cat.
In addition, your cat's nose can provide information about how the animal is feeling. Is the cat's nose soft, cool and slightly moist , everything is usually fine. The nasal secretion of unaffected cats is clear and watery, but usually does not come out. So even though the cat has a moist nose, discharge and other phenomena are not part of everyday life. A moist, non-wet nose corresponds to the Normal state and indicates appropriate grooming, adequate fluid intake and general well-being.

Cat nose as an indicator of disease

However, the situation is different if the cat's normally moist nose remains dried out appears or clogged And even if a wet nose suddenly turns into a wet nose and your house cat from increased discharge or from cloudy nasal secretion If you are plagued by this, you as a cat owner should pay attention.
Skin irritations, allergies, bacterial and viral infections as well as nutritional deficiencies can manifest themselves in cats through changes in their noses. And even more serious Diseases can affect the olfactory organ. Cat flu, for example, which can be fatal in the worst case, is particularly noticeable in the initial phase through a very moist, weeping nose, before it finally takes over the animal's body and being.
The tricky thing : Often, the discharge in cats initially awakens the need to clean the affected areas - in this case the face - more frequently in order to eliminate the unpleasant feeling. This in turn leads to the cat having a permanently wet nose. It is therefore all the more important to keep an eye on the pet in suspected cases, Symptoms to recognize and Always take changes seriously . This is the only way to detect and combat cat flu and other diseases at an early stage.

Cat flu: dangerous disease of the respiratory tract and mucous membranes

Let us first look at the most serious scenario: cat flu. This may sound harmless, but it can be fatal for our beloved cats. The disease, known in technical jargon as cat pneumonia or cat rhinitis, is caused by a Viral and bacterial infection and then attacks the Mucous membranes and the Respiratory tract of the affected animals.
By means of Droplet infection Cat flu is transmitted from animal to animal, but can also be transmitted through Intermediate transmitters – for example people or objects – to make its way to the next victim. Feline herpes viruses and caliciviruses, but also bacteria such as chlamydia can cause cat flu and pose a risk to the health of cats, especially in unvaccinated and weakened kittens and cats.
While transmission is difficult to avoid, especially where several cats come into contact with each other, and the options for treatment depend heavily on the course of the disease, early vaccinations immunize the animals in advance and thus protect them.
Once infected, the disease, which can be mild but in other cases fatal, is accompanied by thin but still mucous nasal discharge The eyes of the affected cats also become wet and red. As the disease progresses, thick, yellow mucus occur, as well as bloody discharge and sputum. In addition, there is coughing, sneezing, ulcers, shortness of breath and also Adhesions and incrustations in the area of ​​the eyes and nose. If the respiratory tract, throat and lungs of the animals are also affected, their health is particularly at risk and the chances of survival decrease. Sometimes high fever, Loss of appetite , apathetic features and Signs of weight loss are the result in the later course of the disease.
If the cat refuses to eat, is weak, lethargic or emaciated, a extensive food supply all the more important so that the animal can regain its strength if possible. The KATTOVIT rebuilding diet was developed as an easily digestible, nutrient- and energy-rich diet food especially for ailing cats and supports the recovery process and weight gain.

Clear, watery nasal discharge: nose dripping or running

If your cat's nasal discharge is clear and watery, this is not a cause for concern. However, if it increased nasal discharge , this indicates that the cat's immune system is struggling with something. So if the cat's nose is not just wet, but dripping or literally "running" - similar to us humans when we have a cold - cat owners should get to the bottom of the causes.
Often a A cold to blame for the clear, watery nasal discharge. Especially when it is wet and cold outside, outdoor cats can get hypothermia and thus catch a cold. They often suffer from Accompanying symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and hoarseness . watery eyes, loss of appetite and a increased need for sleep are typical.
As stressful as the symptoms may be for kittens and owners, colds are usually quickly overcome. If the symptoms are harmless, rest and a warm place to retreat to are usually enough to speed up recovery without the need for medication and to quickly improve the cat's health. However, if your cat has a history of illness, develops a fever or the symptoms last for a noticeably long time, action may be necessary. That's why a visit to the vet can never hurt, even with colds - that way you can be sure that there is nothing else behind it.
Another trigger for the discharge of clear, watery secretion can also be stress This is mainly caused by Major restructuring or changes that occur in the cat's life or that indirectly affect the animal: A move, a new job that means you are at home less, or the loss of a loved one or animal can be the cause, as can new interior design, a new partner or other changes. In these cases, love and security usually help to eliminate the discomfort.

Changes in nasal secretion: color and consistency

If your cat's nostrils suddenly emit a clear liquid instead of yellowish or white secretion and/or the consistency changes noticeably towards a slimy or sticky mass , caution is advised. Such signs usually indicate that something is wrong and can be an alarm signal for a health hazard.
Depending on the symptoms accompanying the change in discharge, various causes are possible:

  1. Dental diseases: Mouth and nose are directly connected in our beloved four-legged friends. Against this background, it is not surprising that diseases or Inflammations in the area of ​​the teeth and gums can quickly spread to the nose and manifest itself through changes in nasal discharge. The affected cat sneezes, suffers from Bad breath , increased salivation, loss of appetite and difficulty chewing and swallowing.
  2. Foreign bodies : Especially with outdoor cats, it can happen from time to time that blades of grass or other foreign bodies get lost and get stuck in the cat's delicate nose. Due to the barbs that grain, grass, etc. are equipped with, the animals are usually unable to get rid of the troublemaker without help. If there is a foreign body in the nose, the cat may sneeze and wheeze. A white or yellowish, sometimes even purulent discharge can also be the result. Over time, an unpleasant smell usually becomes noticeable.
  3. Tumors & ulcers : If your cat suffers from a tumor or ulcer in the nose area, it will also experience noticeable nasal discharge and sneezing attacks with sputum. In this case, however, the symptom often only occurs on one side - the discharge only comes from the affected nostril, only one eye waters, and the like. This can also cause crusts and adhesions to form.
  4. Bacteria & viruses : Infection with bacteria and viruses often causes mucous to sticky nasal secretions in white or yellow. Depending on which viruses and bacteria are involved, this can also cause more serious illnesses.

While sneezing and watery eyes have already been mentioned as classic side effects, a stuffy nose Symptomatically accompanied by discolored, mucous or sticky discharge – whether at the same time or before or after. In addition to the causes already mentioned here, Diseases of the upper respiratory tract to a stuffy nose in cats, which in turn can cause breathing difficulties. Read more about the causes and symptoms of a stuffy nose in our Advice on the topic . If such signs occur, you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Crust formation, sores & cracks

If, in addition to the conspicuous secretion, you also notice changes in the skin area in and around the nose, there may be a Fungal infection behind it. This calls, among other things, Skin irritations – and does not stop at the sensitive, moist cat nose. For example, if cracks appear, the skin appears porous or you discover sores and scabs, it may be that the cat has a itching and therefore scratches more often . Often, several areas of the body are affected simultaneously or one after the other.
In addition to a fungus, for example, a allergic reaction behind it – on the Food or other influences with which the animal comes into direct or indirect contact. In the case of Feed intolerance can switch to hypoallergenic cat food be effective.
In addition, Mites, fleas and other parasites Provoke itching and resulting crusts and other skin irritations.

Cat nose is suddenly warm & dry

As mentioned at the beginning, a cat's nose normally feels cool and moist. But what if the Nose suddenly warm and dry As long as you can understand how the change comes about, there is no need to worry. For example, has the cat just raged or the Sun on the fur? Then dryness and warmth are quite easily explained – and what’s more quickly disappeared again .
However, if the symptoms persist for a longer period of time or if your cat's actually moist nose keeps drying out, it may be that the ambient air is not optimal or that the animal's fluid balance is out of balance. If in winter, due to heating etc., dry air in the apartment , that this is permanently transferred to the cat's nose, action is required. A humidifier can cause the mucous membranes to become supple again – this also applies to humans.
If the dry nose is due to a Lack of fluids can be attributed to a Dietary change be the first step in the right direction. Wet food also delivers lazy drinking cats a little liquid. In addition to the Wet food can also Cat drinks They slightly improve the water balance, taste really good and provide the sweet tooth with the necessary nutrients.
One warm nose In turn, it may also indicate that your cat has a fever. If this is the case, you should consult a veterinarian immediately. Fever in cats have many different causes and should not be taken lightly.

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Your questions - our answers!

frequently asked Questions

In healthy cats, the nose is soft, cool and slightly moist most of the time. This is partly due to the fact that the mucous membranes are moisturised and partly due to the cat's need for cleanliness. By regularly cleaning its paws, face etc. and grooming itself with its tongue and saliva, the cat's nose is also kept moist.

Probably the greatest difficulty in assessing a cat's nose lies in differentiating between when the cat's nose is moist and when it is much more likely to be wet. While the difference between dry and wet is still quite easy to recognise, many owners find it much more difficult to determine whether the cat's nose is appropriately moist or worryingly wet - either because the animal is blowing its nose more often or because it is suffering from nasal discharge. However, both can be easily determined by observing the cat for a while. If the nose is dripping or running, the secretion is discoloured or its consistency seems unnatural to you, the concern is usually justified. And an increased desire to clean on the part of the cat can also serve as a signal and always justify a visit to the vet.

Just like in humans, colds in cats are characterised by discharge, sneezing or a blocked nose and associated breathing difficulties. However, a distinction is generally made between snuffles, which are caused by a cold, for example, and include the above symptoms, and so-called cat colds. Cat colds are a disease that is caused by a bacterial and/or viral infection and, in the worst case, attacks the cat's respiratory tract and mucous membranes to such an extent that a fatal outcome cannot be ruled out. Particularly in the early stages, it is not always possible to clearly distinguish between cat colds and snuffles - in this sense, you are on the safe side with a visit to the vet and are not taking any risks to the detriment of your cat's health.

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