Katze ist krank und zieht sich zurück

Cat is sick and withdraws

If your normally active cat suddenly becomes quiet, sleeps a lot and neglects to groom or eat, this could be a sign of illness. Find out here how discomfort manifests itself in cats, when you should act and which illnesses can lead to withdrawal.
Cat constantly grooms itself Reading Cat is sick and withdraws 9 minutes

If otherwise agile cats suddenly seem withdrawn, rest and sleep a lot and neglect important needs such as grooming or eating, you need to be careful. The fact that the furry friends withdraw, change their habits and perhaps even typical character traits usually indicates that something is wrong. But how exactly does discomfort manifest itself in cats? When should you as an owner take action? And what illnesses can be to blame for a cat withdrawing? You can read all this and more here.

Typical signs of illness in cats

Cats make their owners' lives more beautiful. It is all the more heartbreaking when the proud velvet paws are lacking something. Minor ailments often disappear as quickly as they appeared - but unfortunately that is not always the case. If there is something more serious behind the cat's suffering , quick action is required. Even serious illnesses can sometimes be treated well if a veterinarian interprets the symptoms correctly and reacts accordingly.

The problem: When cats are sick or in pain , they initially try not to let it show . This instinct to hide one's own weakness is completely normal in the animal world and can ensure the survival of the cats in the wild. In the safety of their own homes, however, this can be fatal - after all, the earlier an illness is diagnosed, the sooner measures can be taken to alleviate symptoms, cure the cat's illness and help the cat to make a full recovery.

It is therefore particularly important for cat owners to always take doubts, worries and suspicions seriously and to observe their pet carefully. This is especially true if you have the feeling that your cat is ill and is withdrawing. Below we will look at how you can recognise withdrawal due to illness and what symptoms often accompany it.

Cat withdraws: loneliness, exhaustion & Co.

A cat's withdrawal can manifest itself in different ways. It is sometimes easier to detect in cats that are otherwise trusting and alert than in animals that are naturally reserved.

  • For example , does the cat increasingly hide and use furniture and hard-to-reach corners to escape the hustle and bustle of the apartment?
  • Is your four-legged friend quieter than usual and avoids contact with you and other people and animals, perhaps even becomes aggressive and gets stressed if you get too close to him?
  • Does even light activity cause excessive strain for the cat, does it move only reluctantly and clumsily and avoids playing altogether?

All of these can be signs that a cat is ill and withdrawing. Depending on the severity, exhaustion and tiredness can also take on personality-changing traits . The result: apathy, lethargy and a cat that seems like a different person.

Basically, you as the owner know your pet best and are therefore best placed to judge which behaviors are atypical. If you suspect something, you should urgently see a vet. In the worst case, apathetic traits, for example, can be traced back to poisoning - be it from plants, food or objects outside. If cats are in pain , for example due to a hidden wound or injury , this can be the reason why they want to be left alone and react aggressively to attempts to approach them and to touch them, especially on the corresponding points.

Changed eating behavior: loss of appetite, weight loss, etc.

Another sign that often accompanies withdrawal and can indicate various cat diseases is a noticeable change in eating behavior .

While cats with a slight loss of appetite can usually be persuaded to eat a little food, for example by luring them with treats, presenting them with a special meal, moving the bowl or changing the food, in other cats the hesitant attitude towards eating turns into a complete refusal to eat : the bowl remains untouched. For older and weakened cats in particular, even a few days without food can pose an acute danger. In this case, a vet should be consulted promptly. The same applies if the cat refuses to drink .

There are many different causes of impaired food intake: they range from inflammation in the mouth and dental problems to metabolic and kidney diseases and viral or bacterial infections that lead to exhaustion or inhibit the sense of smell and taste and thus have a negative effect on appetite. The most common causes of loss of appetite in cats also include inflammation in the digestive tract , i.e. in the area of ​​the stomach, intestines and pancreas, as well as food intolerances and parasite infestation . In such cases, other symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting or even constipation often complement the clinical picture.

But less serious reasons are also conceivable: heat or an early stage of pregnancy can mean that your cat has less appetite than usual for a while. After castration, the animal's energy requirements also decrease - and with them its appetite. If stress is to blame for the symptoms, you should find the causes and help the cat to relax again as soon as possible.

If your cat is losing a lot of weight, even though it is eating enough and is not suffering from vomiting or diarrhea, you should also pay attention. Rapid weight loss can quickly lead to an unhealthy state of emaciation, in which cats show signs of deficiency and are weak. It is difficult to say in general terms what exactly is behind this: a swallowed foreign body , an energy-sapping tumor , but also diabetes mellitus or feline leukemia are possible. Here, too, a trip to the vet can help.

Changed cat hygiene: personal hygiene, bowel movements, etc.

If a cat is sick and withdrawn, this can also lead to problems with hygiene - for example, in the form of unusual grooming behavior or increased mishaps when going to the toilet.

Increased grooming behavior: Cats are very hygienic animals. They regularly lick and groom their fur and paws in particular. If a cat licks, scratches and bites itself excessively often and intensely, this can indicate a cat disease. Allergies and parasites as well as fungal infections can cause itching and sores , which the animal tries to combat with an excessive urge to groom. But the compulsive behavioral disorder psychogenic licking alopecia can also be behind it.

Reduced grooming behavior: If the clean animal only grooms itself rarely, painful areas of the body may be the cause. To locate potential injuries or pressure points, you can carefully feel your cat - ideally while stroking and scratching. If the fur is dull and straw-like , the cause may be nutritional deficiencies, organ diseases or, again, parasites.

Uncontrolled bowel movements: Your outdoor cat usually goes to the toilet outside and your house cat always reliably looks for the litter box, but recently there have been repeated incidents far from the actual litter box ? Perhaps the animal has difficulty controlling its bowel movements and therefore is unable to get to a suitable place in time. A bladder infection or a urinary tract infection should be diagnosed by a vet as soon as possible and treated with medication. At the same time, check whether your cat is generally urinating or defecating more often than usual.

Dissatisfaction with the litter box: Since cats are very particular about toilet hygiene, sometimes there is a personal problem with the litter box rather than a cat disease. So test whether your furry friend would like more cleanliness , a different cat litter or even a different toilet or a different place to do his business. Sometimes supposed mishaps when going to the toilet can also be seen as protests.

React correctly: Cat is sick and withdraws

As you can see, if a cat withdraws, there can be many different reasons for this - and it can also manifest itself in different ways. Whether cuddly animals hide away and react aggressively or fearfully to proximity, playful cats suddenly seem lethargic or agile adventurers just want to rest and sleep - any noticeable change can represent a type of withdrawal and indicate that something is wrong with your darling. Especially if other symptoms reinforce the suspicion and cause the animal problems.

When making an assessment, trust your personal intuition as a cat owner: No one knows the animal better than you. As soon as symptoms like those mentioned above put you on alert, you should not hesitate to see a vet . The vet can then take the next step to ease your worries - whether through a reassuring diagnosis, insightful research into the cause, relief of your cat's pain or initial treatment measures.

If your furry friend is having trouble getting back on its feet despite a visit to the vet, you as the owner have a special responsibility: observe the animal and give it a little more attention than you already do for a while – this way you can react accordingly if the condition does not improve or further changes occur. Food also plays a key role in fattening up the animal. Depending on the illness, a special diet can ensure that the animal receives exactly the nutrients it needs. The KATTOVIT rebuilding cure supports weakened furry friends with special needs with vitamins, nutrients, etc. Especially during the regeneration phase, the special recipe developed by experts supplies the little body with the energy it urgently needs: delicious, easily digestible, and varied in taste .

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frequently asked Questions

When cats are sick, they initially try not to show it. Nevertheless, feeling unwell often causes cats to withdraw: they then seem introverted, sleep a lot, are listless and passive and, depending on their character and the situation, sometimes aggressive. As the disease progresses, other symptoms often appear that allow a more precise assessment of the cat's symptoms - for example diarrhoea and vomiting, loss of appetite, itching or similar. Which symptoms occur naturally depends very much on the disease in question. If you are unsure whether your cat is ill or in pain, you should consult a vet as soon as possible. With a bit of luck, there is nothing serious behind it. However, in the event of a serious illness, the animal will be helped quickly.

Cats who are missing something often withdraw. They crawl under the bed, for example, or hide behind the curtains or in the corner next to the wardrobe. The reason for this is the survival instinct of these clever creatures: When cats are in the wild, they must not make themselves vulnerable, even if they are sick, and must not show any weakness in order to protect themselves from other animals. At a stage where they are no longer able to cover up the sickness, they therefore begin to hide in order to remain inconspicuous and not be noticed. This instinct is so firmly anchored that it can even be detected in cats.

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