Struvite stones - better known as urinary stones - often cause problems and, above all, pain for cats. If they are detected early, they can usually be treated with simple means. However, struvite stones can quickly become an emergency for cats. Therefore, you should keep a close eye on your cat if it exhibits unusual behavior. Read below to find out exactly what urinary stones are, what symptoms indicate them and how you can treat your pet.
What are struvite stones?
Struvite stones – also uroliths – are urinary stones, which are aggregates of minerals such as magnesium, phosphate and ammonium. If the minerals accumulate in the urine, they form crystals and finally Stones . Struvite stones are the most common type of urinary stones in cats. These can occur as bladder stones in the bladder, kidney stones in the kidney or ureter stones in the urinary tract and urethra. Uric stones, which consist of calcium oxalate, are oxalate stones and occur in cats only half as often as struvite stones.
The formation of the struvite is replaced by a high pH value in the urine The stones cause health problems for the animals, as they can cause damage to the urinary tract. Inflammation and urinary disorders are the result. Small uroliths can be removed by a adequate fluid intake However, larger ones can be life-threatening for your cat, which is why cystitis and other abnormalities related to urination must be taken seriously.
- Diseases that are often associated with struvite stones and can also be their cause are Feline Lower Urinary Tract Diseases (FLUTD) FLUTD is a group of various diseases that lead to irritation in the lower urinary tract. Since kidney stones irritate the urinary tract, they often cause such diseases. Conversely, however, a bladder infection can also lead to the formation of kidney stones.
- Another cause of struvite is minerals in connection with too much high pH value of the urine . Cats, like other creatures, need a certain amount of minerals, but the dose makes the poison: Too many minerals in the food form crystals and lead to urinary stones. This is especially true for foods that are particularly rich in magnesium or phosphate. The weight of the cat is also related to its food. Here, experts suspect that lack of exercise and obesity can promote the formation of struvites.
- Cats that are fed mainly dry food also often suffer from urinary stones. The reason for this is their reduced fluid intake. If your pet does not balance its fluid levels by drinking enough, the minerals can no longer be transported away properly. This promotes the formation of crystals.
- In general, it is important that cats 250 to 300 ml of liquid through food and other water sources. This will help to remove excess minerals from the urinary tract. If you notice that your animal is not drinking enough and is not consuming much liquid, struvite stones may be the result.
These symptoms indicate struvite stones
As with many other diseases, Diarrhea, vomiting and fever Symptoms that indicate that something is wrong with your cat. Also fatigue, weakness and tiredness are warning signs that should make you pay attention.
If your cat reacts unusually aggressively, this may be a indication of pain Struvite in the urethra and the resulting blockage of the urinary tract are very painful, and the animal reacts accordingly. Pain in the back area can also indicate struvite. Since the kidneys are located at the level of the lower back, kidney pain can be hidden behind back pain. If your cat is particularly sensitive in this area, kidney stones could be the cause.
If you also notice that your animal has increased urinary disorders you should have a vet In this context, other behavioral changes are also noticeable. If your cat frequently licks its external genitals, this is an indication that something is wrong. If you notice that your darling urinates outside the litter box or find blood in the urine This indicates a urinary tract disease there.
Generally, any abnormalities related to the animal's urination should be closely observed. If your cat produces very little urine or a lot of urine, these are also signs of illness. Irregularities in urination should always be taken seriously. In serious cases, it can lead to a blockage of the urinary tract and a build-up of urine, resulting in the urinary tract bursting. The general condition of your cat will deteriorate enormously. So don't hesitate to go to the vet if you suspect your cat has a urinary tract disease.
How to treat and prevent struvite stones in cats
If your cat can no longer urinate, it is an acute emergency. In this case, see a doctor immediately. The doctor will probably insert a urinary catheter to make it easier to urinate. In many cases, the animal will also receive an infusion to stabilize the circulation.
If you notice some mild symptoms that indicate urinary stones, make a detailed note of them. What are the symptoms? When and how often do they occur? What food does the cat eat? How much does it drink? This information is important for the veterinarian as it helps to make a more accurate diagnosis.
If you take your cat to the doctor, he will examine the cat carefully, palpate its bladder and possibly initiate further examinations such as X-rays or ultrasound. If urinary stones are diagnosed, urine-acidifying medications administered or a feed change are recommended. This can change the pH value in the urine so that the kidney stones dissolve.
Through special diet food The pH value in the urine is also reduced. In addition, the food contains fewer minerals to prevent the formation of struvite. If your cat does not suffer from struvite stones, but oxalate stones , is special food for cats with kidney disease ideal.
In addition to feeding, drinking is also very important. If your cat is a bit “lazy to drink”, arrange your Make fluid intake as pleasant as possible . Drinking fountains instead of water bowls often help here, as cats like to drink moving water.
There is also the possibility of giving the animal a vital drink The cat drink consists of tasty meat juice with pieces of meat and other important nutrients . Since cats prefer to take in liquids through their food, the drink can contribute significantly to the water intake. With the help of the diet food and sufficient liquid, you can help sensitive animals Prevent kidney stones .