Bauchschmerzen bei Katzen

Abdominal pain in cats

Abdominal pain in cats can be difficult to detect and can have a variety of causes. Learn how to tell if your cat has abdominal pain, common symptoms, and what serious conditions could be behind it.
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Cat with stomach pain – symptoms and causes

If your cat is suffering from stomach pain, the accompanying symptoms are usually non-specific. It is therefore difficult for cat owners to find out whether the stomach pain is a short-term and harmless upset stomach or a sign of a serious illness. Read here how you can tell if your cat has stomach pain, what other symptoms often occur and what illnesses and health problems may be behind the pain.

Recognizing stomach pain in cats

Cats have a talent for hiding the fact that they are unwell and suffering. There are evolutionary reasons for this: when cats still lived in the wild, they could not afford to show weakness in front of predators. By the time we as cat owners notice that something is wrong, the animal's suffering and pain are usually already advanced.

Abdominal pain in cats is often manifested by a conspicuous, Hunched posture : Affected cats arch their backs and pull in their bellies. Even if you pick up your cat and touch its belly, it probably won't like this at all. Aggressive reactions to touch or advances can also indicate pain and therefore represent another warning sign. But also after other noticeable behavioral changes You should be on the lookout: If, for example, your cat withdraws more often than usual, hides and appears tired or even noticeably inactive, this may indicate that it is feeling unwell and suffering.

Abdominal pain is usually related to the stomach. It is not uncommon for other accompanying symptoms such as vomiting , Diarrhea or Irregularities in defecation . Abdominal pain and stomach discomfort also often result in reduced appetite and a long-term Weight loss the cat. Even with unusual Noises such as loud meowing, growling, groaning or hissing, especially in connection with eating or defecating, you should pay attention.

If you notice unusual symptoms, always go to a vet first. Symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and refusing to eat can quickly have serious consequences, partly due to the associated loss of fluids. The vet should be informed of the symptoms as soon as possible in order to make a diagnosis and help your kitten in a timely manner.

Causes of abdominal pain in cats

If your cat seems to be suffering from abdominal pain and possibly other of the above-mentioned Symptoms There can be a variety of causes. The following triggers are among those that can cause abdominal pain

Eating behavior, poisoning or foreign bodies

A simple and relatively harmless explanation for your cat’s stomach pain could be its previous Eating behavior Since cats have a relatively small stomach, they should ideally eat several small portions throughout the day. However, if they have too much food at once quickly swallowed, this can overload the small stomach and cause stomach pain. food too cold upsets cats' stomachs: If you keep cat food in the refrigerator or in a cold anteroom, you should warm it to room temperature before feeding and only give it in small portions.

Especially in outdoor cats, but also in indoor cats, it can also lead to Poisoning accompanied by abdominal pain. In addition to cleaning products , Metals or spoiled feed are also certain Houseplants or food like raw potatoes or leeks are poisonous for cats. So be especially careful about what your cat has unsupervised access to in the house and garden. Depending on the type and severity of the poisoning, vomiting , Diarrhea , Tremble , Difficulty breathing and even unconsciousness In an emergency, you should contact a veterinarian immediately.

It is also possible that your cat has a Foreign body swallowed Be it a piece of string, a coin, a stone or a rubber band - small items can be found everywhere, both indoors and outdoors, and can be swallowed in no time at all by curious four-legged friends. In the stomach, the intruder then causes irritation, injuries and stomach pain - before possibly causing major damage to the digestive tract later on.

If you see your cat swallowing a foreign body, you should not wait for it to pass out on its own, but rather consult a vet. If in doubt, it is better to have the foreign body removed by a vet before your cat suffers internal injuries or the object gets stuck in an inconvenient place.


In case of constipation, also Constipation called, it is actually another symptom - but in most cases it is accompanied by abdominal pain. Constipation can be one of the consequences of a swallowed foreign body: If it gets stuck in the intestine, your cat can only pass little or no stool. Overweight , a low fluid intake , intestinal diseases , stress or Medicines can promote and cause constipation. Affected cats often try very hard to defecate by straining. In doing so, they produce significantly less stool, usually very hard and dry stools, or even no stools at all, and suffer from Abdominal pain . Furthermore, loss of appetite , Vomit and Fatigue added.

You should take the first signs of constipation very seriously: On the one hand, untreated constipation can get worse and worse and lead to intestinal obstruction and lasting damage to the intestinal tract. On the other hand, there is a very rapid risk of Dehydration . Going to the vet can relieve your worries and help your pet quickly and reliably.

Food allergy

Does your cat react to a component of its food allergic or is there a intolerance This can also cause abdominal pain. Additional accompanying symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and other digestive problems, Skin irritation , coat problems , Breathing difficulties and in severe cases also conspicuous personality changes .

How you can tell whether your pet is suffering from an allergy or intolerance and how you can treat it, you can find out in our Guide to food allergies .


Also a internal or external injury in the abdominal cavity can cause stomach pain in a cat - whether because your cat has swallowed a foreign object or has injured itself in a territorial fight or a fall. You may be able to detect external wounds with the naked eye or by palpation - if your cat allows touching. Internal injuries, on the other hand, are more difficult to notice. Possible signs could be Blood in feces, mouth or vomit and due to blood loss pale to yellowish mucous membranes Since the effects only become apparent late, but an injury can be life-threatening, the advice is as always: consult a veterinarian in the event of abdominal pain or other unusual symptoms.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa

Your cat’s stomach pain can also be caused by inflammation of the stomach lining – gastritis The gastric mucosa protects the cat's stomach wall from the stomach acid that is needed to break down the food. Spoiled food , an allergy , Injuries , Tumor diseases or strong medications can cause the stomach lining to become weakened or damaged and inflamed. Severe abdominal pain and Vomiting of leftover food , Blood and mucus , but also Loss of appetite and drowsiness are the result. Acute and mild gastritis can be successfully treated with a light diet. Chronic gastritis, on the other hand, can be counteracted with medication from the vet.

Gastrointestinal infection

Symptoms similar to those of gastritis occur in a Gastrointestinal infection on: Next abdominal pain , Diarrhea , vomiting , Fatigue and a general feeling of malaise can also Fever What triggers are possible for a gastrointestinal infection and how you can best treat your sick kitten can be found in the Guide to the topic .


Abdominal pain also affects cats in connection with Pancreatitis , one Inflammation of the pancreas . Similar to a gastrointestinal infection, pancreatitis also causes vomiting , Diarrhea , fever and flatulence , dull coat and in advanced stages a Yellowing of the eyes and mucous membranes .

The pancreas is important for the digestion of the cat, as it produces enzymes that can break down food components. Without these enzymes, the intestine cannot adequately process the food that is ingested. Causes of pancreatitis can be fatty and unbalanced food , Injuries , Infections as well as  Diseases such as cancer or Diabetes mellitus In acute cases, pancreatitis can be cured with a suitable diet and medication. However, if the inflammation becomes chronic, the pancreas can suffer permanent damage. This makes it all the more important to consult a veterinarian at the first signs.

Treatment of abdominal pain in cats

The treatment of abdominal pain in cats must always adapted to the underlying causes The first step in case of pain should always be Visit to the vet Many illnesses and health problems can be treated and cured or solved with a quick diagnosis.

In case of Food allergy you can also Diet food with reduced ingredients from specialist retailers.

If the stomach pain is related to the cat's gastrointestinal tract, there is also a connection to the cat food. To relieve stomach pain and protect your cat's stomach, you can feed it with Light food like unseasoned rice, mashed potatoes or gently cooked poultry. Home remedies such as healing clay, psyllium husks or American elm bark could possibly help with diarrhea.

It is important that the feed As low in fat as possible and at the same time rich in nutrients Specially developed for cats with gastrointestinal complaints and pancreatic diseases. Diet food like the KATTOVIT Gastro range gently supplies your velvet paw with important electrolytes and convinces even skeptical furry friends thanks to its delicious taste.

If your cat suffers from a lack of appetite in addition to stomach pain, you should pay particular attention to ensuring that it at least sufficient fluid to avoid dehydration. Make sure lots of fresh water or use special cat drinks to stimulate drinking behavior and sufficient fluid intake in case of gastrointestinal problems.

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Leiden Katzen unter Schmerzen, versuchen sie dies meist lange zu verstecken. Sie ziehen sich zurück und lassen sich nur wenig anmerken. Bauchschmerzen können Sie an Ihrer Katze meist daran erkennen, dass sie eine gebeugte Körperhaltung mit gekrümmtem Rücken und eingezogenem Bauch einnimmt. Wenn Sie Ihre Katze hochheben, wird sie dies im Falle von Bauchschmerzen nicht leiden können und auch Berührungen am Bauch kaum dulden. Ihre Abneigung tun leidende Katzen oft durch Fauchen oder Kratzen kund.
Da Bauchschmerzen oft das Symptom einer ernsteren Erkrankung oder Verletzung sind, kommen häufig weitere Anzeichen wie Erschöpfung, Müdigkeit, Verweigerung des Futters, Erbrechen, Durchfall, Knurren, Stöhnen oder Probleme beim Stuhlgang hinzu. Beobachten Sie Ihre Katze genau und lassen Sie sie bei Verdacht auf Bauchschmerzen oder bei weiteren Symptomen von einem Tierarzt untersuchen.

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